Diabetes Workshop Begins January 14, 2020

Lincoln, NE - Adults with diabetes, their family members and friends are invited to attend a series of free Aging Partners workshops from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Tuesdays from January 14 through February 18. The six-week Diabetes Self-Management Workshop will be held at Ambassador Health of Lincoln, 4405 Normal Blvd.

The workshop is free, but a suggested contribution of $4 per class is appreciated. Pre-registration is required by calling 402-441-7575, and class size is limited. The following topics will be discussed:

Determining what to eat and when to exercise

Monitoring blood sugar

Caring for feet

Communicating with family and health care providers

Managing low and high blood sugar

Dealing with stress and learning relaxation techniques

Setting small and achievable goals

Increasing self-confidence

Feeling better and taking charge

More information on Aging Partners is available at aging.lincoln.ne.gov.
